Organic Ginger from Sri Lanka

Aromatic, pungent and also spicy, ginger provides a unique flavor as well as zest to Asian stir fries and several fruit and vegetable dishes. Fresh ginger root can be obtained all year round in the produce section of your local market.

Ginger is the underground rhizome from the ginger plant, striated texture. The flesh of the ginger rhizome might be yellow, white-colored or even red in color, based upon diverse range. It is actually protected having a brown skin that could possibly be thick or thin, based upon whether or not the plant had been harvested when it was mature or young.

Organic Ginger Origins

Native to southeastern Asia, India, China as well as Sri Lanka, ginger has become an important element of the diet as well as valued because of its aromatic, culinary and medicamentoso attributes for hundreds of years. The Romans first imported ginger from China and by the center of the 16th century, Europe was receiving more than 2000 tons per year from the East Indies. The top commercial producers of ginger now include Jamaica, India, Fiji, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Australia.

Ginger comes in different types

Whole fresh roots. These types of give you the finest taste.

Powdered ginger. This really is ground produced from the dried root- Preserved or even 'stem' ginger. Fresh young roots are peeled, sliced and cooked in heavy sugar syrup.

Crystalized ginger. This is also cooked in sugar syrup, air dried and rolled in sugar.

Pickled ginger. The root is sliced paper thin and pickled in vinegar. This pickle, known in Japan as gari, often accompanies sushi to refresh the palate between courses.

Benefits of Organic Ginger from Sri Lanka

  1. 1. Digestive issues
  2. The phenolic compounds in ginger are known to help relieve gastrointestinal irritation, stimulate saliva and bile production and suppress gastric contractions and movement of food and fluids through the GI tract.

  1. 2. Nausea
  2. Chewing raw ginger or drinking ginger tea is a common home remedy for nausea during cancer treatment.

    Cup of ginger tea Ginger tea can easily help reduce nausea or vomiting as well as help cold recovery.

    Women that are pregnant suffering from morning sickness can easily safely use ginger to alleviate nausea or vomiting, often in the form of ginger lozenges or candies.

    Throughout cold temperature, consuming ginger tea is great approach to retain comfortable. It is diaphoretic, which means it encourages sweating, working to warm the body from within. As such, in the wake of a cold, ginger tea is particularly useful.

    To make ginger tea at home, slice 20-40 g of fresh ginger and steep in a cup of hot water. Adding a slice of lemon or a drop of honey adds flavor and additional benefits, including vitamin C and antibacterial properties.

  1. 3. Pain lowering
  2. Ginger has also been identified to minimize the symptoms of dysmenorrhea (severe pain during a menstrual cycle).

  1. 4. Inflammation
  2. Ginger has been utilized for hundreds of years to reduce infection as well as treat inflammatory conditions.